Friday, February 4, 2011

Africa is still on my mind

OK I know it has been awhile. I am not very good at blogging. I can say is I think about Swaziland everyday. Everyday! Dave Ohlerking said that once you go to Africa you will go back everyday in your mind. I have and ,until I see Swaziland again, i will. It is amazing what God does in the lives of those who choose to follow and LISTEN to Him. I spent my whole life either completely forgetting God or trying to talk His ears off. When I decided start listening to God my life was changed forever. I seek to serve Him. I look for ways to serve Him. Heather and I feel that He is calling us to Swaziland. We know that once the time is perfect for His plans of us we will return.

 So our mission field is Swaziland in time. Until then our mission field is here. Remember wherever you are that is where God has placed you for the greater good. The greater good that is found in Jesus Christ. So as you work in your mission field remember that God is with you and sometimes you may not understand why you are where you are. Just go with it!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Journal on Swaziland: The People

As I said in my last blog I would be discussing Swaziland and our trip in regards to the people. I wrote about Dave and Jean Ohlerking in my last blog- this time I would like to write about Jerry and Karen Holte- the missionaries who hosted us while in Swaziland.

First when we were greeted at the airport Karen gave us all a big hug and a smile with tear-filled eyes as if we were family she had not seen in a long time. I personally felt so accepted and grateful for such a warm reception.

Throughout our journey Karen kept things running and organized and kept us on schedule and Jerry led the group in a calm in purposeful direction.

Each morning we met for devotions and throughout the day and the entire time Karen asked if we needed anything and did her best to accomodate any needs one of us might have.

As part of their duties Karen and Jerry are currently over seeing the internship program. The interns are well led as Karen and Jerry provide nurture and guidance to those around them.

I appreciate that Karen took note of the little details about people and the sense that she heard concerns or encouragements on an individual basis. Jerry was steadfast and guided the group through each day in an easy-going manner trying to assess situations as they arose and then address them.

A quote that will be remembered by the team is: "God does all things well." Karen said this to us daily as a reminder that no matter what our day holds either good, bad, or otherwise to rest in God as He will guide us.

I am grateful for Jerry and Karen and for their committment to serve God on the mission field, their care and hospitality they gave to our team, and their hearts for God. Having them as our leaders helped to make us feel appreciated, honored, and loved.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

more Swaziland II

Game Park
  Went to the game park and spent the night. Went on an evening drive. We got to see some of Gods creation close up! Rhino's close up can be unnerving. We saw Elephants, wart hogs, impalas(like deer), and many other of the beautiful things that God has made. That evening we went to a tribe dance. Heather got up and danced with them as did others in the group, no I was not one of them. The next morning we went on a morning drive. We followed a Lion for about half an hour. It was amazing see this awesome creature in a natural environment. We also got to see some monkeys and some giraffe.
 On the way back home we stopped at Swazi Candle. We were able to buy some souvenirs and grab some lunch. One of our group members got sick. She was with the nurses that had joined us for the game park trip. There were four nurses in their group and all were Christians except this girl. We of course prayed over her. I have not received an update on her. I do pray that thru this experience she now can rejoice in a relationship with Christ.

Chicken Day
  Going to the Care Point for Chicken Day! This is a special day for the care point. About 20 chickens were purchased and brought to the Care Point for this very special day. The kids usually have a meal that is rice and beans so you can imagine what a blessing this meal will be. Those of you who live in the country will understand that we had to prepare the chickens. Remove the heads, pluck the feathers, clean and cut up for cooking. By the way the heads and feet were saved for eating as well.
 While at the care point Tye and I repaired holes in the fence. We did some painting and of course we all played with the kids. Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus! Before we left for the day we went to the Dream Center for our lunch and devotions with the Interns. They put on a skit for us. If you ever get the chance to hear natives sing you will understand what I mean when I say the Angels were singing in the House!

Home Visits
 Today we went on two home visits. The first house we went to was a house built with sticks, stones and mud. The lady that lived there shared a room about 10x10 with her daughter. Her sons were in another hut that was about 8x8. In Maiga Elizabeth's house there were two beds, one single and one double, and four chairs. The dirt floor was covered with a piece of vinyl. We were invited in and the men sat in the chairs and the women on the floor. This is the custom. We had a good visit and Heather shared a devotion. It was such a blessing to share time with this wonderful lady. She was reading her Bible when we arrived and when Heather did devotions she followed along in her Bible. When we left we left the gate open so she could close it. It is bad manners to close the gate when you leave someones yard. They will follow you and after you have gone will shut the gate.
 The second home visit was to Maiga Tanzia's home. Her home was much smaller, probably about 8x8 with a similar size room connected to it used as the kitchen. Her home had two beds as well and that was about it. There was not any floors space so everyone sat on the beds. Maiga Tanzia's sister-in-law Alice and her neighbor also came over and shared in our visit. What a great joy to watch as these three ladies gave their lives to Christ right there in that small room. I will never forget the experience for the rest of my life. We sang songs of praise and prayed and just had a great time. We were also able to bless Maiga Tanzia and Maiga Elizabeth with a five pound bag of rice and some bags of veggies.
 After the home visits we went by HPC to say our good-byes to the Interns. They sang the song they had sung when we had our first devotion together. Never Give Up. What a joy these Interns are. God has given them a very special place in Heather and my heart. There dedication to the God and the intern program is amazing. One of the Interns, Cisco, came from the Congo and became a Christian and got into the intern program. He and his friend Seth share a apt. together. They where getting behind in rent and had no food until someone paid for there rent and for the rest of the expenses of the intern program. Cisco was willing to go without food and would sleep on the ground outside just to remain in the program. Such commitment is refreshing to see. It made me wonder, What am I willing to give up for Jesus? Just like Seth had said before. What do I have that I would give up for Jesus? To advance the Kingdom?

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Swaziland Journey

Swaziland was a people and place God put on our hearts several years ago and made real to us several weeks ago. After being there a little less than 8 days there is a feeling of being home-sick. God placed this burden on our hearts and gave it a face and a name. I kept a journal for some of the time we were gone and was tying to find out how I would chronicle our time there but I think that I can better chronicle our time there by describing the people we came across.
The first people in part of this journey are the people who provided support to us spiritually and financially, we thank these people for all of their support and encouragement and want you to know we feel you were all a part of this journey.
As a part of this journey we also had a team ,we had four members for the entire time and eight members for part of the time. Thankfully the group worked well together and had willing and flexible attitudes. I believe God placed us together combining our different gifts and spirits.
I noted that in our group we had four members which originally consisted of six members being led by Dave and Jean Ohlerking, Dave Ohlerking being the founder and director of Children's Cup. As we all arrived in Jo-burg, South Africa we were greeted by the missionaries Jerry and Karen Holte, and we then gathered together for dinner, little did we all know that this would be Dave Ohlerking's last meal.
Thus begins a description of the first person in this journey,Dave Ohlerking, a man of God who carried a spirit of strength and peace that is present in his family. Mr. Ohlerking died on our first night in Johannesburg. He had a heart attack at approximately 3 a.m. When we were told about the news it did not seem real, we had only just met this man the day prior and anticipated getting to know him better throughout the missions trip and now we were met with this surprising and sad news. What I can say that I learned and I think Mr. Ohlerking wanted to try to pass on to the world is to reach out and care for others, especially those forgotten and neglected. So I thank Mr. Ohlerking for following God's call on his life and for allowing his heart to see the needs of others and do something about it through serving God.
Dave's wife Jean was in the lobby area that morning and carried herself with a serene and calm presence in the midst of her great loss. She carried on and did the devotional that morning and challenged us to feel our life with God's spirit and use His guidance to carry us through our life.
So in the midst of this sureal time of loss and change, God's spirit presented peace to the situation and His spirit could be seen in the eyes of Ms. Jean. So in the beginning of this journey I felt both challenged, at ease, and confused. Confused at this loss, challenged to live my life to serve God daily, and at ease that God has control and carries a love and peace that passes all understanding.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Swaziland

10/14/2010 cont.

 Our work on the cook house involved putting tarps around the building to keep the rain out. We couldn't put them up permanent because if we did they would be stolen. We also took down the damaged roof on porch area of the main Care Point bldg. It had been damaged by a wind storm a week before we arrived. The name of  the Care Point teacher is Goodenough. He is a very humble man. He was teaching at another Care Point but was moved to this one when the teacher was promoted. He walks the 45min. from his home to the Care Point.
    The Dream Center:
The Dream Center is being built to house the interns. A place where they will live and study while in the program. The Dream Center will have 5 bunk houses that will house 12 interns in each one. There will be 10 of these bunk houses. Five for the girls and five for the boys. They will be able to house 120 interns at a time. The Dream Center can also be used for short term mission teams.  There is also a main building that has a kitchen area and a large area for eating and group study. There is a computer room that will hopefully have computers one day. The interns in this program like I said cannot have a job so getting support is hard. Much of the support for the interns will have to come from the US. Heather and I were drawn to the Interns and feel God has a BIG plan in the works.


  This morning we all went to Healing Place Church Swaziland and had a Celebration service for Mr. Dave Ohlerking. It was a very special time. I don't think I have been in the same room with so many missionaries in all my life. The people that Dave Ohlerking and His family touched and are touching is amazing. One Intern, Seth, spoke about when Mr. Dave or PaPa Dave met him and asked--- What do you have that you are willing to give up for Jesus? What will you give up for the Kingdom? 
 Dave Ohlerking touched the lives of children in 109 countries. When God asked him to go--He went. What is God asking you to do? Remember the safest place to be is in Gods Will. Dave Ohlerking said this and He lived it!

  After the service we had some time to do some shopping. Heather bought a neckless that was made of seeds. It reminded me of the Parable of the farmer sowing seed in Luke 8:4-15. Where are we sowing our seeds that have been given us by God, through Jesus? Again I ask as Dave Ohlerking did, What are we willing to give up for God? Where are our seeds landing?


  As I look out our window this morning I see a bird. Mr. Dave spoke of three birds in Africa that he said, when they chirped, they sang praises to the Lord. I don't think I will ever hear a bird sing again without listening for the songs of praise. Thanks Mr. Dave!
  The ladies went to HPC and helped out with the women's conference they were having. Heather will post more on this. Listening to Heather later that day I know that the Spirit was in the House! Mr. Jerry, Rett, Brandon and I went to the Care Point and installed the new porch roof. The whole roof story is a God thing. We needed to have some welding done so Mr. Jerry went to the Dream Center to see if the foreman knew anyone with a welder we could borrow. The foreman was using a welder that he had borrowed that day for work at the Dream Center. Yeah God!! Then the material for the new roof arrived. I have been told getting things in a timely manner just doesn't happen in Swaziland. God does all things Well!!
 After working on and completing the roof we went around to the other Care Points. Because it was Saturday they were not open. We did get to see them and the area around them. The Care Point we repaired the roof on has the most yard area of any that I saw. The other Care Points seemed to be cramped for space. I know that whatever space they have God is doing big things for the kids that they serve.
 On a side note: I got a Swazi name today. Tyrone gave me the name-- Mandla Dlamini. The first name means strong and the surname is Tyrone's last name making us brothers. To say I way honored is an understatement!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


So this is Africa! After my third trip on a plane, the second one was also on this trip, we landed in Joburg, South Africa.along with our leaders Dave and Jean Ohlerking and Candy Mitchell. In Joburg we met the other member of our team Julie Rich and our Missionary host .Jerry and Karen Holte. We all gather up our
suitcases and loading into the Sprinter. Our driver on this trip is Knowledge. We went to our Inn, the African Dream, setteled in and went to dinner. After dinner Heather and I said our goodnites and went off to our room and some much needed rest.

  We were awakened this morning6am around  by our host missionarys. The news they brought us caught us by supprise.Our traveling friend and founder of Childrens Cup had gone to be with Jesus during the night. Dave Ohlerking was used by God to put Swaziland on my and Heathers heart. Karen Holte said that I look forward to seeing that come to pass. We left later in the day to head to Mbabane, Swaziland. Arrived at our "home" for the next seven days.The Red Berry Inn is a wonderful place with wonderful views of the mountians.

Kusile--good morning. We had our morning devotions and breakfast, then it was time to go pick up the Interns. HPC Swaziland hour as an intern program like our home church. These are teens who will go through an eleven month program where they get closer to God thru bible study, service projects. They agree not to have a job, be in a relationship and devote the eleven months to serving God. We pick up the Interns and Tyrone sits next to me. Tye is a graduate from the last Intern program. He is now working with the new interns. We go to the Dream Center. The Dream Center is being built to house the interns during their eleven month training. We all had devotions together where the interns sang to us. You have not experenced worship untill you hear the Interns sing. After devotions we head down to the Care Point. These are places where the kids from around the area are fed and go to classes. While at the Care Point we loved on the kids and did some repairs on the buildings. These kids are begging to be loved. As I look into their eyes all I see is a child looking for somebody to love them. They are beautiful!  Heather loved the kids. She got down on the ground and played with them.That was our day, loving on kids and working on their Care Point.
While working on the Cooks building, which is a building with a roof and walls all around about two feet high, Tyrone asked me what I thought of Swaziland. Swaziland reminds me of the mountians of North Carolina. I even noticed a knob on one mountian range that reminded me of Pilot mt. It is a beautiful place with alot of pain.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Serving God

We thank God as we prepare to embark on this trip to Swaziland and to see how He can work through us and are excited about meeting new people and spending time with them.

We are grateful that God has called us to go on this journey and has made a way for us to be able to participate on this mission.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers, support, and encouragement along this journey- we thank God for sending you to help us along this path.

I thank you God for putting this burden on our heart and for helping us to see what you see- to see a need beyond ours and pray for a people we have never met or seen- this is truly only something from God-
That being said we thank God for His great love for us as individuals and for the world in it's entirety. I am also reminded that as a result of God's love we are to serve Him by serving others. We thank God for this opportunity to be used by Him and pray for His guidance, peace, unity, healing, love and wisdom to go before us and the team. We pray also for the country of Swaziland and for the people of Swaziland that they can be healed and that this next generation can have an even greater opportunity to pursue their dreams and goals.

Lastly- remember that each day is a mission, a point of service. God has placed us here to serve one another- may we look to God for His vision in how to serve others and may we not minimize the opportunities we have in our families and our communities to reach out and care for one another. We need each other to go through this life- to help each other in need, to console each other, to teach one another, to celebrate with one another, and to love one another. May we not be pigeon-holed and only reach out to those we understand, but may we allow God to give us His visions to see the people and the world around us.

I say this to admonish all of you who sit with a lonely or elderly person, who provides guidance to someone confused or in need, to feed the hungry and help those without, to do what we find to be little things for our family and friends, ultimately to be available to be used by God each day whether it be in your home, in a hospital, at a shelter, at a grocery store, or on a mission field. God's heart is for the one lost coin not the winning lottery ticket- reminding us that man sees the outward appearance, but God sees the heart.

In conclusion may God help us to see the world with His heart and His eyes and to put our eyes upon Jesus and not ourselves.

Thank you and God Bless!